This path of marriage has been c.r.a.z.y. in every way! Good, bad, amazing, silly, hot, lovely, ever changing, but most of all beautiful!
I never expected marriage to be so molding and awaking the way ours has been. Both Kyle and I have changed so much in such a short amount of time! Everyday gets a little more sweeter! :)
I’ve come to realize that Marriage is an instrument of God. He’s getting us in tune for the song we’re playing. Shining us until we sparkle & are ready to be on display to show others the beauty and original intent of marriage.
God has also taught me that It will always be a climb to get to where we are going (even in the good times). Marriage goes perfectly with the expression “you reap what you sew.” Kyle and I are always fighting to sew the good and that takes discipline and some hard work. But through that what we reap will be full of joy.
I feel so honored to be spending the rest of my life walking through this journey. I may never know all there is about marriage, but I do know that i’m gonna love each step I take :)
Happy Valentines day! <3
Six more months today and we will be celebrating 2 years!!