Thursday, November 21, 2013

He gives and takes away {My heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be your name}

Six months ago today I was walking along the beach, while on a family vacation, in awe of God's blessings and His beauty when He gave us a gift and took away one.  

That morning, May 21st, was terrifying. I was pregnant and as soon as I woke up I started to have sever abdominal pain. It was like no other pain I had ever felt before, it was excruciating and exhausting. I was immediately rushed to the closest hospital. The ride to the hospital was the longest 45 minutes of my life, I was laying in the back seat sweating profusely as the AC was blasting and I was curled up in fetal position because this was the kind of pain when you can't even talk, walk, or breathe without making it worse....As soon as we pulled in the parking lot all pain went away, like it had never happened, I felt completely fine. It was the strangest and most confusing experience... So we (my husband,mom. and I) sat in the car and talked about it, My mom told me that when she was younger she had had a gas pain like that and when you’re pregnant that could be the cause of a lot of abdominal pain. I was so confused that this intense pain suddenly stopped on a dime and I wasn’t bleeding or anything, so I decided that we would go back to the beach house and just see how the rest of the day went, and if I had bleeding or the pain came back in any form then we would admit me into the ER. 

After we came back to the house we went out onto the beach where the rest of my family was and just tried to relax and rest for the remainder of the day. After a few hours of laying out on the beach I wanted to take a walk, so me, my sister, mom, and my niece went, and as we were walking along the ocean I spotted a baby sea turtle on the sand. We stopped and played with the little one for a while; my niece was so excited and wanted to keep him, it was so cute seeing her just amazed with this little turtle. We finally got her to say goodbye and started to make our way back, as soon as we got to our stuff I wanted to go back inside so I could rest. It was almost dinner time anyway so we all went back to the beach house. We got inside and were figuring out who would take showers first and who would start cooking. I didn’t make it to my shower because when it was my turn, well that is when I noticed I was bleeding. 

I got dressed as fast as I could worrying that Kyle wouldn’t be back in time to take me to the ER. He had just gone for a run with our dog and had left his phone with me, but as soon as I came back into the room where we were staying, Kyle walked through the door and I immediately told him to "Im bleeding, we have to go to the hospital right now!" Kyle drove as fast as he could as we all felt what the out come would be... It was such a long emotional night in the hospital and I’ll never forget every prayer Kyle prayed over me that night.. I was so numb I couldn't even talk, I remember I couldn't even call my Daddy that night to tell him what was going on, Kyle did... It was a really hard evening on everyone. 

I was put on bed rest for the next couple of days so I couldn't even go home. But even if I wanted to, I couldn’t because the exhaustion of the pain and emotion was too intense for me to even try to make a 4 hour car ride. But I was so blessed to have family with me those days encouraging me and praying over me, I will never forget that. After the Doctor gave me the okay to travel, we packed up everything and drove straight to my Dads, because I just needed my Daddy. We really didn’t even talk that night, we just sat there in the front room of their home, but just sitting there in silence surrounded by more family really helped me relax and calm down.

The next day we had dinner at their house and my Daddy told me how crazy it was to have seen a sea turtle, for the first time ever, on the day I miscarried. He told me that from now on every time he sees a baby sea turtle he would think of our little one. It was like God gave us this gift, this reminder of our first baby because He knew we would need it..

Six months ago today changed my life forever, but now when I think of our little one, I never want the day I miscarried to be the main thought of our first child. I want to always remember what a huge honor it is to have been the vessel God used to bring a new life into His kingdom. I want to remember that their is a baby waiting for his/her mommy & daddy to meet them. I want to remember the happiness and the blessing that this is. 

Yes, I will always remember the impact of May 21, 2013., and how much I miss this baby I have never met, But more than that, I want the 21st to always allow me to remember that I have a child waiting for me in heaven, watching over and praying over me and my family every day. 

I Love you Little one. You are my best memory. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

God Speaks

He is always advising and guiding us in the right directions, but I know that I don't always listen, and maybe its because Im not where I should be spiritually. I think I get caught up in wordily things too often and forget who I really am.

So who am I really?
I am a daughter of our living God. Today I just took a moment and realized WOW. That is a huge deal!  I am washed clean with the blood of Christ and I am clothed in righteousness. My ONLY purpose in this world is to praise and worship my king.

So why do I not listen and choose sin?
Eeeek. Thats such a hard question isn't it? I am a heir to the all mighty and I choose to receive dirt more than the gold I am given through grace... My sinful human nature consumes my thoughts, it brings in greed, anger, bad thoughts, and actions I wish I could take back... Its moments like these when I am so grateful to be born again through His love and grace.

Through our miscarriage and the struggle of fertility I have been so broken in more ways then I ever knew possible. But through this season when all I could be was still, I learned a few things about my God.

Sometimes He whispers and some times He roars. And it is my choice to listen, my choice to choose the act of worship when temptation calls my name. My God will prevail and He will speak to me silently or with an awaking roar. I am called to obey, wether He says yes or no, and I am learning that I need to be disciplined in Him to hear His answers.

God breaks me down to build me up. I would never cherish the moments I do now, if I hadn't gone through the hard ones. The only way to grow is by moving forward, and sometimes that means falling down on my knees.

Im thankful that God speaks to me in the cadence of everyday life...

Thursday, May 30, 2013

He gives and takes away

I don’t know why things like this happen to us, but I do know it has to be for the glory of God. No matter how painful it is right now, God is in control and is the God of all comfort.

We are so very heartbroken over the loss of our baby, but we know God will shine through. One thing we have to remember is that this child He blessed us with for a short period of time was not ours, but His. Kyle and I had the honor of being the vessels He was using to bring this baby into life. We will forever be thankful and blessed for that precious gift.

During this season of our miscarriage we are thankful to be able to cling on to the verses that shines God glory through ALL things. He will never leave us thirsty.

*A glimpse of verses that shine His glory through pain*
Matthew 5:4
 God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Jeremiah 29:11
 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Romans 4:20-21
 Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.

Isaiah 49:13
 Sing for joy, O heavens! Rejoice, O earth! Burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on them in their suffering.

Psalm 23:4
 Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

One year & six months

This path of marriage has been c.r.a.z.y. in every way! Good, bad, amazing, silly, hot, lovely, ever changing, but most of all beautiful! 

I never expected marriage to be so molding and awaking the way ours has been. Both Kyle and I have changed so much in such a short amount of time! Everyday gets a little more sweeter! :)

I’ve come to realize that Marriage is an instrument of God. He’s getting us in tune for the song we’re playing. Shining us until we sparkle & are ready to be on display to show others the beauty and original intent of marriage.

God has also taught me that It will always be a climb to get to where we are going (even in the good times). Marriage goes perfectly with the expression “you reap what you sew.” Kyle and I are always fighting to sew the good and that takes discipline and some hard work. But through that what we reap will be full of joy. 

I feel so honored to be spending the rest of my life walking through this journey. I may never know all there is about marriage, but I do know that i’m gonna love each step I take :)

Happy Valentines day! <3 
Six more months today and we will be celebrating 2 years!!